First of all, when we tried to sign in to write this post,
DPBlogger MADE us switch to the new version, so we hopes
efurrything is still
workin' right! (
Hmm, looks like it turned a bunch of comments into
anony-mouse, like it did to a bunch of our
furriends blogs.)
Okay, I (Strider) haves a question for
efurryone. Is there something that you really loves to do, but it makes your mom and/or dad furry upset, but sometimes you just can't help yourself? I'm just
wonderin', 'cause the other night I ran outside again (Mom was
goin' in and out
takin' care of
Gizmo, and she was
bein' careful to keep me in, but I jumped over her). Sometimes I just REALLY want to go out there, but it makes the beans all worried and upset. Mom was
chasin' after me with a can of tuna, but I wouldn't let her catch me. Finally I realized it was furry cold and I didn't like the snow on my
feets, so I let her pick me up and take me back inside. She was happy to have me back inside, but I could tell that she wasn't happy WITH me. So... it's hard for me to decide between
havin' some fun and
makin' Mom upset, or just
stayin' in and Mom NOT
bein' upset.
Some of you had some questions after our last post, and we're gonna answer them in our next post. Also, we just realized that our one-year
Blogoversary is gonna be on Monday. Wow, we can't believe it's been a year!